Modern Age Horror Story

World is not kind on innocence.

Modern Age Horror Story

Have you heard of the modern age horror story ?
If not, I recount it to you in all its infamous glory.

There once was a boy who did whatever he wanted.
Those were simpler times when success wasn’t flaunted.

He did not weigh his dreams on reality’s scale.
His actions were not a victim of society’s blackmail.

Puberty hit, he met your staring eyes.
Full of judgement , ever ready to criticize.

You taught him to please others at his own expense.
You introduced him to shame and took it from nonexistent to immense.

Now his entire life is dependent on acceptance from you.
You even changed his favorite color from pink to blue.

There now is a man who fears failure above all.
Courage was a leaf that he shed during fall.

Modern Age Horror Story
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Modern Age Horror Story