
It can't always be rosy.


This isn’t the first time I find myself lost.

Lost not in space, for I know where I am.
After all its the Same room every evening,
Maybe I am just a buggy simulation, or a dull hologram.
I wish

I think I am not alone either
for there are human shapes moving around, looking ‘alive’.
If I can trust my own faculties, my own eyes,
I can count about 3…no 4….shit there’s 5.

But when did these shapes materialize in the first place ?
I have no idea and frankly, who cares ?
I just wish they go back to their lairs.

Their mouths seem to be moving,
so I am assuming they are letting some words through
I feel like I must declare here that,
I am, of course, hearing voices too.

Please do not be confused
and incorrectly assume that its their words in my head.
Because the conversations that I am having,
Well……they are better left unsaid.

Older post

Shitty Rhymes Because Shitty Times

Newer post

Not Good Enough
