Happiness Of Pursuit

Do not look down on ambition.

Happiness Of Pursuit

There is a fire burning inside me
that keeps me warm
in a world full of cold people.

There is a madness about me
that makes me desperate,
desperate enough to not be satisfied,
not be satisfied with being “SANE”.

I am insatiably hungry,
so much so that often,
I forget I need to EAT to be alive.

I have Dreams,
Dreams that not only sing me to sleep each night
but also get me out of bed each morning.

I suffer.
A lot.
But never from the heart-breaking, soul-shearing disease
of “letting outer reactions affect my inner actions”.

Instead of indulging in a pursuit of happiness,
I revel in the happiness of pursuit.

Happiness Of Pursuit
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Words Wear Masks

Happiness Of Pursuit