Goals And Their Keepers

On avoiding relative goals and setting absolute ones.

Goals And Their Keepers

I have a goal and I want to see it through
But self-doubt showed up and with time it grew.

What about the people who are stronger, smarter, “better” than me?
They’ll always out perform me. It’s a fact, you can’t disagree.

So why bother? why not just throw in the towel and accept defeat
Let the others do it and I’ll admire/critique, as usual, from the back-seat.

But Wait.
How come other people decide what I can achieve or not
probably because goals are relative just like we are taught.

So if I set absolute goals and be satisfied with them
then my self-doubt would have absolutely nothing to condemn.

Now my mind is clear, focussed and there is something I clearly see
the only walls which block my success have been built by me.

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Goals And Their Keepers