Fine Lines

Tread carefully.

Fine Lines

Fine lines that divide the right and the wrong.
Fine lines that divide the good and the bad.
Fine lines that divide art and madness.
Fine lines that divide ideal and flawed.

The whole world is unrelenting it it’s attempt
to teach us to tread carefully along fine lines.
One step a little wide and you gift yourself
one freshly minted, nicely decorated, permanent label.

And you can rip your throat shouting in the streets
that you are not the labels that you are rewarded with.
But your shouts, they do not fall on deaf ears.
For there are hearing aids for deaf ears.
Instead, your screams resonate through a society
that hasn’t developed the ability to hear.

Oh how unbearable this constant rope walking is
for people like us, who need that sense of free will,
that we decide what happens to our lives.

Ever so often, I find myself celebrating,
whenever I manage to just distort these lines
ever so slightly
with the magnetic force of my ability to not give a fuck.

I hope you do too.

Fine Lines
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Fine Lines